Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The town I live in used to be a nice, well mannered Scottish hamlet in British Columbia, just adjacent to Hong couver, sorry Vancouver. Stupid female-in-power based immigration policies have made sure that this has changed. Because every two legged creature is somehow 'equal' as most dim-witted women and their drooling eunuchs believe, we have been invaded by stupid savages getting all their free stuff while the Wild White Bitches get more exotic sperm to guzzle.
 My particular town has been invaded by Asians and Persians, or more appropriately, Zipper Heads and Sand Niggers. These stupid subhuman idiots arrogantly chatter away in their own languages when not crashing their BMW's into us poor White people. The Zipper Heads sound like goddamn monkeys while the Persian Sand Niggers talk like they are constantly clearing their throats. The Persian guys all seem to look and dress the same with their trendy fag clothes and haircuts and waaay too much cologne. These closet Turd Burglars talk like that from clearing each other's jism out of their throats I suppose.
One day I'm in the waiting room at my doctor's office and there's about 10 Sand Niggers jabbering away like a bunch of animals so I thought I'd express my opinion... "Why don't you speak English or just shut the fuck up". Wow. Suddenly every single Savage spoke Perfect English, especially when it cam to "You are a racist" and "You are prejudiced". I answered that in fact I was intelligent enough to know the biological and innate differences between the races and I did pre judge, it's called Rational Thought. One guy in particular trying to be Mr. Tough got himself torn a new asshole "You idiots need the White Man to save you and wipe your ass for you, so show some respect for the VERY SHORT TIME YOU WILL BE HERE, because NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE EXCEPT THE DUMB WHITE BITCHES.
Because it illegal to douse them in gasoline and throw matches at them I guess we will have to wait it out until the West collapses under the weight of 'free stuff for all' and it breaks apart into a million ethnic pieces.

Sunday, December 12, 2010



The latest research proves that women on average talk three times as much, twice as fast and twice as loud as men.

Two weeks ago I left my gym bag in the change room of our local community centre. This is an exclusive area full of rich people so you leave your bike unlocked etc.. without it being stolen. I came back after coffee and found it was gone. In it were several prescriptions, some legal papers, towel and toiletries. I went to the information desk and had to stand and wait while the two cunts behind the counter finished their important conversation about nothing. "Did anyone turn in a black bag? It's about.... "No" "Are you sure? Can you double check? "No, nothing's been turned in" "Well I guess it's been stolen..." as these two bitches turn annoyed back to each other yapping away about important gibberish.

Today I go to use the showers and there's a sign saying 'Closed for Maintenance'. I notice there's someone changing and someone else showering so I go in. Obviously whatever 'maintenance' was complete so I go in the shower. About 5 minutes later suddenly there's some stupid Mexican maintenance man practically yelling at me about not reading the sign. I informed the stupid mongrel to lower his voice and asked if he was done his 'maintenance' and why would they close the showers at a busy part of the day and not when they are closed. He said they were cleaning but were finished. After my shower I go down to the information desk to complain about this idiot's behavior and inquire why they would shut down the change rooms during operating hours and why a staff member feels he can yell at a customer (I know the reason: these monkeys have no manners and he works for the government - he can do what the fuck he likes!) - of course there's a stupid cunt behind the counter giving me an attitude (the new female pastime). Suddenly the stupid cunt who told me two weeks ago that no bag was turned in appears holding it "Is this yours?" I said "Where did that come from?" She replied that someone found it in the change room and turned it in. "So it was there the whole time you were telling me it wasn't?" I opened the bag and pulled out a prescription bottle. "And no one opened the bag and saw my name, address and phone number here and contacted me either". She just stood there with a "who gives a fuck" look on her face, like I was interrupting important female business like yapping, texting, getting fatter or doing her nails. No apology, no concern - just a real bad attitude which is what men get when we let these dogs off the leash and make them our "equals".
Tomorrow I will be calling the head of the community centre - another woman of course

To be CUNTinuid.....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jehova's Witnesses Witness a Dose of Reality

This morning two Jehovah's Witnesses were fortunate enough to approach ME with their comic books and fairy stories. As soon as they opened their mouths I'm salivationg thinking how they are gonna REALLY regret this. I have a profound intolerance for stupidity so if figured I'd educate these douche bags with some reality.

I pointed out that there is no evidence that Jesus existed, no heaven or hell, no pie-in-the-sky eternity with God, that there were 16 saviors before Christ that were born to a virgin, died on the cross, the whole story blah blah blah, that the New Testament is ASTROTHEOLOGY - the movements of the 'Sun' of God, the Sun being the "Light of the World" the "Most High" etc..

While I continued to tear them new assholes their faces began to contort and turn various shades of red realising deep inside how full of shit they were with their Santa Claus stories. They ended with the obligatory "Well, what do YOU believe"? like I have to concoct some screwball delusion to get through life. Eventually the female (she was with a eunuch) said she did'nt want to hear anymore so I pointed out that she can't handle the truth and is not qualified intellectually to talk about pretty much ANYTHING theological or philisophical let alone anything with more than one syllable in it. I ended with a cheery "You should'nt be approaching people and converting them to this horrific mind control cult which will destroy their lives - God hates you people for it". At that point I managed to coax a lovely shade of purple from the ladys pinched, nasty face as she hurried away with my voice ringing in her ears " Even if you were proved wrong you'd still believe in this gibberish you phony". They were damn lucky to run into me today let me tell you.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

John Lennon - Universal Symbol of the Pussy Whipped Wimp

Your local Rabbis? No It's The Beatles!

It's been 30 years now since John Lennon was murdered in Jew York City. Unfortunately, his assassin Mark David Chapman (they always have three names don't they?) didn't have the good sense to shoot Yoko instead and become a hero to Beatle fans everywhere. I liked John Lennon, thought he was very talented, until he fried his brain on LSD and became easy prey for that repugnant Jap pig Yoko OH! NO!.

He cow towed to that grim faced "Conceptual Artist" i.e CON Artist like a new born puppy after his mother's teat, embarrassing himself and the rest of the horrified Beatles and their fans with nude album covers containing unlistenable screeching gibberish (art, we naive humans were told), bed-ins, shit-ins and other ridiculous media forays all the while foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal whenever anyone dared question his ridiculous shenanigans, and especially if anyone dared criticise "Mother" as he called his slant eyed whore. He literally became a puppet on her string praising her as some great artist, musician and philosopher while virtually everyone else in the world wished she would just shut the fuck up and vanish into the ether. She really is the reason the Beatles broke up she was so irritating, even showing up at all their recording sessions telling them what to play!

Lennon wrote some wonderful songs like 'Gimme Some Truth' and 'Working Class Hero' but was one of the biggest pushers of the female 'luhv' con, "All You Need is Love" etc.. His final album is excruciatingly naive in its infantile paeans to the supposed perfection and wisdom of the female, when in fact most of them are vain, frivolous, yapping cunts with the IQ of a Golden Retriever. Lennon yearned incessantly for "Peace and Luhv", no small wonder being hitched to that squawking zipperhead monster. His final putrid muzak effort "Double Fantasy" has half the songs donated to the stupid shrieks of that talentless twat.

Sir Silly Love Songs Paul (by far the most talented Beatle) didn't fare much better, marrying and then sticking the ugly mug and off key warbling of the Jew bitch Linda Eastman on every album and in every concert appearance. She bore him several very homely and fucked up ' Children of Israel'.  He seemed to be trying to outdo John with the 'sucking up to the whore', sorry 'Goddess' mentality. It's comforting to know at least that Paul would refer to Yoko in private quite accurately as "that fucking cunt". Linda later died of vegetarianism, sorry breast cancer, very common to Jew bitches and he then stupidly married the one legged psycho whatever-her-name-was. So much for "luhv", eh Paulie?

What's got three legs and eats only vegetables? The McCartneys! ha ha. Even Ringo, the most sensible Beatle said "She's just awful".

By the time the Beatles broke up they were basically all nuts. Too much acid, too many screaming bitches in heat, too much attention and too much adulation. Cranky George ended up chanting with cheesecloth clad Harry Krishnas, writing lecture after lecture, sorry, song after song pontificating moronic Hindu gibberish when he wasn't snorting coke and banging every broad he could lay his paws on but ultimately married a Spic (hey George these Hindus are savages that let their children starve to death while making sure the cows are well fed and nourished because 'cows are sacred'). His best friend Captain Boring (Eric Crapton) went behind his back and stole his beautiful wife Pattie Boyd. You don't want this Clapton predator near your wife I guess. Ringo ended up mostly known as Keith Moon's drinking buddy, friend of other talented people and warbler of 50's remakes (at least he married a White girl, the beautiful Barbara Bach).