Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jehova's Witnesses Witness a Dose of Reality

This morning two Jehovah's Witnesses were fortunate enough to approach ME with their comic books and fairy stories. As soon as they opened their mouths I'm salivationg thinking how they are gonna REALLY regret this. I have a profound intolerance for stupidity so if figured I'd educate these douche bags with some reality.

I pointed out that there is no evidence that Jesus existed, no heaven or hell, no pie-in-the-sky eternity with God, that there were 16 saviors before Christ that were born to a virgin, died on the cross, the whole story blah blah blah, that the New Testament is ASTROTHEOLOGY - the movements of the 'Sun' of God, the Sun being the "Light of the World" the "Most High" etc..

While I continued to tear them new assholes their faces began to contort and turn various shades of red realising deep inside how full of shit they were with their Santa Claus stories. They ended with the obligatory "Well, what do YOU believe"? like I have to concoct some screwball delusion to get through life. Eventually the female (she was with a eunuch) said she did'nt want to hear anymore so I pointed out that she can't handle the truth and is not qualified intellectually to talk about pretty much ANYTHING theological or philisophical let alone anything with more than one syllable in it. I ended with a cheery "You should'nt be approaching people and converting them to this horrific mind control cult which will destroy their lives - God hates you people for it". At that point I managed to coax a lovely shade of purple from the ladys pinched, nasty face as she hurried away with my voice ringing in her ears " Even if you were proved wrong you'd still believe in this gibberish you phony". They were damn lucky to run into me today let me tell you.

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