Sunday, December 12, 2010



The latest research proves that women on average talk three times as much, twice as fast and twice as loud as men.

Two weeks ago I left my gym bag in the change room of our local community centre. This is an exclusive area full of rich people so you leave your bike unlocked etc.. without it being stolen. I came back after coffee and found it was gone. In it were several prescriptions, some legal papers, towel and toiletries. I went to the information desk and had to stand and wait while the two cunts behind the counter finished their important conversation about nothing. "Did anyone turn in a black bag? It's about.... "No" "Are you sure? Can you double check? "No, nothing's been turned in" "Well I guess it's been stolen..." as these two bitches turn annoyed back to each other yapping away about important gibberish.

Today I go to use the showers and there's a sign saying 'Closed for Maintenance'. I notice there's someone changing and someone else showering so I go in. Obviously whatever 'maintenance' was complete so I go in the shower. About 5 minutes later suddenly there's some stupid Mexican maintenance man practically yelling at me about not reading the sign. I informed the stupid mongrel to lower his voice and asked if he was done his 'maintenance' and why would they close the showers at a busy part of the day and not when they are closed. He said they were cleaning but were finished. After my shower I go down to the information desk to complain about this idiot's behavior and inquire why they would shut down the change rooms during operating hours and why a staff member feels he can yell at a customer (I know the reason: these monkeys have no manners and he works for the government - he can do what the fuck he likes!) - of course there's a stupid cunt behind the counter giving me an attitude (the new female pastime). Suddenly the stupid cunt who told me two weeks ago that no bag was turned in appears holding it "Is this yours?" I said "Where did that come from?" She replied that someone found it in the change room and turned it in. "So it was there the whole time you were telling me it wasn't?" I opened the bag and pulled out a prescription bottle. "And no one opened the bag and saw my name, address and phone number here and contacted me either". She just stood there with a "who gives a fuck" look on her face, like I was interrupting important female business like yapping, texting, getting fatter or doing her nails. No apology, no concern - just a real bad attitude which is what men get when we let these dogs off the leash and make them our "equals".
Tomorrow I will be calling the head of the community centre - another woman of course

To be CUNTinuid.....

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